Crazyguy, You made a very valid point when you asked me why am I pursuing this. You forced me to consider the model sitting in the rear recesses of my mind.
My intention is to start with the earliest writings (J, E, and
P) then move forwards to the neo-Babylonian era (D, DH, Jer, Eze, Second
Isaiah), and so on, moving towards the present day through Paul, etc.,
etc. With that in mind, and with your question, I have drafted a very
rough preliminary outline of the model in my mind.
So, for you:
You pointed me back to the sources of the Hebrew's sanctuary, suggesting Egyptian influences. There is merit in showing the way that the Hebrews borrowed their ideas from their neighbours, and I shall keep that in mind.
There are so many paths I could tread, but I want to steer as simplistic and objective pathway as possible. I want to see "what" and "how", but very little of "why".
I am hoping that the quotations I provide stimulate people to purchase these books and see what other ideas can be gained.There are many doubts about the origins of these writings. Apart from Paul's letters, we do not know who any of the writers were (and I am including the OT and the NT), nor do we know who the editors (redactors) were. I shall briefly touch on this.
As with everything else I hope to include, I wish to stimulate personal research and that each person develops their own ideas, whether they agree with me or not.
I hope that another outcome will be a recognition of the power that mythology and legend holds.